Hey recruiters. Networking. NET-WORK-ING!

Stop freaking spamming me on LinkedIn because your keyword search said: “I look like a good match”.
I’m NOT!
I’m a consultant and business owner. Look at my full profile! I’m not at all interested in the permanent full-time programmer positions that you think “I’m a good fit for”.
I’m so sick of this crap!

Either figure out how to do your job of actually connecting with people or go back to serving coffee at Starbucks or McDonald’s or whatever minimum-wage job you were in before you decided to become a database-keyword-searching monkey.
Because day-on-day that’s all you sell yourself to be. That’s all I see in the messages from you.

I struggle to have ANY respect for people in the recruitment industry today. You’re doing yourselves a disservice in every interaction.

I’m a business owner, and employer, ramping up and wanting to employ more people in the coming years – and I won’t be going to any of you.

Instead, I’ll continue to develop my own networks – through the “old-fashioned” way of actually talking to people.
At least I know I’ll find people who are an actual fit for me, not just a keyword match.