Zucchini Slice

15 June 2019



Preheat oven to 180 degrees Celsius.

Line a 18cm by 28cm baking dish or slice pan with baking paper.

Oven rack to the middle of the oven.


Finely chop bacon. Heat a heavy-based nonstick frying pan over medium-high heat.

Fry for about six minutes, stirring occasionally, until onion has softened but not browned.

Set aside to cool.  

Zucchini - finely grate. Squeeze handfuls of grated zucchini over sink to remove excess liquid.


Combine in a large bowl:


Use a fork to mix together in a small bowl:

Add egg and oil mixture to the other ingredients and stir to combine.


Pour mixture into baking dish and spread evenly.

Bake for about 45 minutes, or until slice is golden brown and firm to the touch.

Set aside for five to ten minutes before slicing.