[Vue warn]: Error in nextTick: “NotFoundError: Failed to execute ‘insertBefore’ on ‘Node’: The node before which the new node is to be inserted is not a child of this node.

I just had to deal with the following Vue generated warning:

[Vue warn]: Error in nextTick: “NotFoundError: Failed to execute ‘insertBefore’ on ‘Node’: The node before which the new node is to be inserted is not a child of this node.”

DOMException: Failed to execute ‘insertBefore’ on ‘Node’: The node before which the new node is to be inserted is not a child of this node.

It related to the following line of code, where I was conditionally displaying a Font Awesome icon:

<i class="fas fa-spinner fa-spin" v-if="bookmarkMetaState == 'retrieving'"></i>

The problem, I believe, is the original <i> element ended up rendering as an <svg> element. So the error makes sense, because the the original code no longer existed.

I simply wrapped my my <i> Front Awesome icon in a <span>, and applied the v-if to the <span>. Problem solved.