SMaRT Code Architecture

I’ve been thinking about code architecture in consumer grade software solutions and what I believe matters most.

As a result I came up with:

SMaRT Code Architecture

Which stands for Simple. Maintainable. Readable. Testable.


Simple: It’s easy to find (discover), understand and trace code during debugging and or enhancements. The simplest code is no code. Not always feasible. But reducing layers and reducing decomposition can help.

Maintainable: Developers should be able to (and not scared to) fix bugs and introduce enhancements. An unmaintained system suffers from entropy and can become “toxic” within the larger ecosystem.

Readable: Code is written for people to read, not computers. Everyone should be able to easily read and understand the code you wrote yesterday – from a 1st year novice to a 20 year veteran. Fancy or shorthand code works against the next person. Use white space. Write comments to assist in understanding intent. Old school statements are still valid.

Testable: Developers need to easily test their changes. If they cannot there is a lower likelihood of changes being made, and a higher chance of errors when they are.


Notice I haven’t mentioned anything about patterns or practices, APIs or languages features. Those are implementation details – how you implement as opposed to what is important.

What is important is code that makes it easy for people in the future to learn and touch the system.