Notesheet: JavaScript

Status: Work in Progress. Updated: 4 February 2020

Truthy & Falsy


Immediately-Invoked Function Expression (IIFE) (“iffy”)

  • Is an unnamed function (so no global scope pollution) that is executed as immediately after it is defined.
    • It can only be called once and not again later, because their is no name hanging on global scope to call.
  • All variables and functioned defined within an IFFE are in their own local/private scope.
  • It is also known as a Self-Executing Anonymous Function.
  • You can return a value from an IIFE and store the result in a variable.
  • You can also pass in arguments to the anonymous function.
  • What scenarios would you want to use an IIFE in real life (what’s an example)? I did work on a project once that used it, but can’t remember how it helped us.




  • The context of execution.
  • The context in which values and expression can be referenced.
  • Global scope: In front-end web development this is the highest level (generally page level) and any variable or function defined in global scope can be access by another other function.
  • Local scope: Think of it as the scope contained within a function. Variables and nested functions defined within a function cannot be accessed by external functions.
    • A nested function can access variables and functions defined in parent (and ancestor) scope, but parents cannot access variables and functions defined in children.


Lexical Scoping

  • Describes how a parser resolves variable names when functions are nested.
  • The word “lexical” refers to the fact that lexical scoping uses the location where a variable is declared within the source code to determine where that variable is available.
  • So, nested functions have access to variables declared in their outer scope.



  • Unlike other languages, in JavaScript you can define a variable (e.g. var myVariable;) in you code after you access it (set a value or read it).
  • In other languages trying to access a variable before you first define it will cause an “undefined variable” type error.
  • Hosting allows this later definition.
  • It “conceptually” moves (hoists) the definition of the variable to the top of the scope it is defined in, so it is already available when the lines that access it are executed.
  • JavaScript does not rearrange your code.
  • What happens is during code compilation the variables definitions (also function definitions) are found and loaded into memory at the top of their scope.
    • This scope can include Global Scope and Local Scope. Local scope may be the full scope of a function.
    • As of ES2015, variables defined with “let” can be hoisted to the top of their “block” level scope (the scope defined within a set of opening an closing curly braces (i.e. “{” and “}”). For example, within an if() or for() statement.
  • Then during the next phase – code execution – they are available.



  • In JavaScript a function can be defined within another function.
  • The inner function has access to variables in the scope of the outer function and other parent-of-parent (ancestor) functions.
  • Closure is the ability for the inner function to continue accessing the variables of the parent scope when it is being executed later.
    • i.e. the outer function returns the inner function (or an object containing the inner function) and that inner function is run some time later in code execution.
  • Each instance of the returned inner function has access to its own copy of the variables in parent scope.
  • It allows you create units of “closed” and re-usable functionality, with data (variables) that do no clutter global scope.





