WordPress Shortcode: “Show If” for conditional content display

Here’s the code for a simple WordPress shortcode to conditionally display content within pages based on supplied usernames or roles.


Example Usage

Display to a specified user:

Display to a specified role:

Display to both a user and a role:

Display to multiple roles (comma separated list. “username” works the same):



It’s in a GitHub gist at https://gist.github.com/vylesk/64ca3e6d3da77fb853ca7af181165e6b and below:

* Plugin Name: "Show If" Shortcode
* Plugin URI: https://jsnelders.com/
* Description: Shortcode to conditionally display content if the user is in a specified role or has a specified username.
* Author: Jason Snelders
* Author URI: http://jsnelders.com
* Version: 190529.1

namespace JasonSnelders\Shortcodes;

*	Show the content only if the current user is one of the specified username(s) or in one ofthe role(s).
*	Attributes:
*		role: comma separated list of allowed roles to view the content.
*		username: comma separated list of allowed usernames to view the content.
*	Attrubtes combine as an OR expressess - content is displayed if they user is in the "role" list OR the "username" list.
add_shortcode('show_if', 'JasonSnelders\Shortcodes\show_if_handler');

function show_if_handler($atts = [], $content = null)
	// Get supplied shortcode attributes.
	$show_if_role = "";
	$show_if_username = "";
	if(isset($atts["role"])) $show_if_role = $atts["role"];
	if(isset($atts["username"])) $show_if_username = $atts["username"];
	$show_if_role = explode(',', $show_if_role);
	$show_if_username = explode(',', $show_if_username);
	// Get the current user.
	$wp_user = \wp_get_current_user();
	$wp_user_roles = $wp_user->roles;
	$wp_user_username = $wp_user->user_login;
	// Check if current user can view content/
	$show_to_user = false;
	foreach ($wp_user_roles as $role_slug)
		if ($role_slug != "" && in_array_case_insensitive($atts, $role_slug))
			$show_to_user = true;
	if ($show_to_user == false)
		foreach ($show_if_username as $show_username)
			if ($show_username != "" && strtolower($show_username) == strtolower($wp_user_username))
				$show_to_user = true;

	if ($show_to_user == true)
		// Show the content
		$content = do_shortcode($content);
		echo $content;
		// Hide the content
		echo "";

	return ob_get_clean();

*	Case-insensitive check if a value is in the array.
*	(Source: https://gist.github.com/sepehr/6351397)
function in_array_case_insensitive($array, $check_value)
	return in_array(strtolower($check_value), array_map('strtolower', $array));