Uninstall/remove Spotify on Windows 10

This is mainly a post for my own reference.

I had trouble uninstalling the Windows 10 Spotify application from an old system.

Going into Control Panel\Programs\Programs and Features and trying to uninstall simply wouldn’t do anything.

A quick search lead me to https://community.spotify.com/t5/Desktop-Windows/How-to-permanently-uninstall-Spotify-on-Windows-10/td-p/1697157 which had the answer.

Here are the steps you need to take:

  1. Open Windows Task Manager and kill the “Spotify Web Connector” process (It will be something like SpotifyWebConnector.exe or SpotifyWebHelper.exe – sorry, I forgot to note the exact name before writing this post, but it will be obvious in the process list).
  2. Disable your network/internet access (turn off/disconnect your wireless or pull out your network cable).

Now you should be able to uninstall Spotify. Just be patient give it a few seconds when you first try – there’s going to be a bit of a delay before the confirmation dialog comes up.

Don’t forget reconnect your internet access.